[Week 1-8] NPTEL Human Behaviour Assignment Answers 2024
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    1. The field of Psychology is defined as the

    • scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
    • study of all mental activities.
    • methodological analysis of behavior.
    • observational record of behaviors.

    Answer :- a

    2. The debate about human psychology that suggests human capacities are either inborn or acquired is called the

    • the information processing analysis of psychology.
    • the associationist analysis of psychology
    • the cognitive versus analytic debate.
    • the nature-nurture debate.

    Answer :- d

    3. In order to test a new drug designed to treat the early stages of memory loss from Alzheimer’s disease, a drug company must consult what type of psychologist to test the drug on animals?

    • industrial
    • biological
    • social
    • School

    Answer :- b

    4. Which statement is most consistent with the psychoanalytic perspective?

    • There is a substantial random element in behavior.
    • Behaviors may be caused by unconscious processes.
    • Behaviors are the product of neurobiological events.
    • All behaviors are conscious, even though we aren’t always aware of them.

    Answer :- b

    5. Being able to adapt to changes in the environment is referred to as what?

    • natural selection
    • evolution
    • versatility
    • survival of the fittest

    Answer :- d

    6. The field of psychology to which the greatest number of psychologists belong is

    • biological
    • social
    • personality
    • clinical

    Answer :- d

    7. A psychologist who wanted data on conscious experience asked participants to describe their experience of a flash of light. This is called

    • introspection.
    • laboratory psychoanalysis
    • focused attention
    • methodological behaviorism

    Answer :- a

    • 8. According to the behavioral perspective, an individual’s behavior is controlled by

    unconscious motivations.
    stimuli in the environment.
    the processing and organizing of information.
    subjective interpretations of his or her experiences with the environment.2

    Answer :- b

    9. A cognitive psychologist would be most interested in studying

    • the conflicts with the unconscious mind.
    • the effect of various reinforcement schedules on teenagers’ reading habits.
    • a person’s level of self-awareness.
    • the effectiveness of problem-solving strategies for solving geometry proofs

    Answer :- d

    10. Samantha is on a team of psychologists at a computer manufacturer. If she is an engineering psychologist, her job may involve

    • using data on human performance to design keyboards for minimum errors.
    • recommending the right people for certain jobs in this company.
    • studying the social interactions between line workers and supervisors.
    • using sophisticated instruments to predict the behavior of assembly line robots

    Answer :- a

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